October 7, 2015 When you’re a typical thirteen year old and your mom’s best friend and your best friend’s dad get married, you call that really cool. It just automatically ups the amount of time you get to spend with your BFF. When you’re pushing 40 and you look back on it…
October 5, 2015 Call it determination. Call it willpower. Call it crazy. Whatever works for you. Just know that with some planning and gusto, you too can accomplish great things. We did yesterday. The minivan exited the church parking lot at 12:28. We made the 15 minute trek home through blustery winds….
Week In Review
October 3, 2015 If you read the headlines or look outside or even just get to the end of the week that some of us have had, you may think that all of it, including our peace, may just float away. I’m grateful I serve a Savior who reminds, “I have told you…
Cinnamon Sugar Muffins
October 2, 2015 Muffins are a go-to item around the Sloan house. They work for breakfast, lunchbox additions, and after school snacks. Perhaps they are partly to blame for someone’s (ahem) muffin top. (See earlier reference here.) I have discovered some yummy recipes that include greek yogurt as an ingredient. It seems to…
A Reply
September 30, 2015 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Isn’t that the truth? (This is where you say, “Of course it’s the truth, it’s from the Bible.” See Proverbs15:1) Seriously, these are words to live by. Not always the easy way to go or the even the…
Noisy Night
September 28, 2015 Maybe it was the rain. Or the clouds. The lack of sunshine. Or the frizziness of my hair because of the rain. Yep, that’s what it was. Wild hair. Or just plain wildness. The energy of the day piled itself on top of sugar consumption…
Week in Review
September 26, 2015 Syrup, a Song, Spaghetti, and the Simple Things It’s a rainy day here, but with our area being in a severe drought, that’s a welcome sight. It’s a good day to remember God’s faithfulness and His provision. “The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores…
Baked Spaghetti
September 25, 2015 I’m a big fan of marinara, red sauce, spaghetti sauce…whatever your preferred name for it is. My favorite foods are pizza, spaghetti, and lasagna. Sense a theme? And when it comes to pasta, the more sauce, the better. When bread is involved, extra sauce is a must…
Simply Put
September 24, 2015 “You really can make a sausage biscuit, Mommy.” Emphasis on really. I had to laugh because I had baked canned biscuits and fried sausage patties. And yet, to a hungry four year old, it was practically gourmet. Funny how sometimes it’s the simple things that can taste the best….
Goodbye Monday
September 22, 2015 It’s not as though I was focusing on the fact that it was a Monday, but by lunchtime, there was no denying it. It was a Monday. Stereotypical in every sense of the word. Time to say “Goodbye” to the carefree weekend and “Hello” to the real world….