April 5, 2016 “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.” Matthew 28:6 As an official way to wrap up spring break, I asked my boys to condense all of their Easter candy into one bucket. They each had bags and buckets strewn all over…
Lemon Rolls
April 1, 2016 No ingredient says, “Spring” like lemons. Fresh, tart, and yellow like a burst of sunshine. Sweet rolls with a pop of lemon? Delicious. A ray of sun in each bite. These rolls bake up soft with a layer of sugary crunch on top. Pair them with a cup of…
Sweeter than Pie
March 15, 2016 Yesterday, March 14, was Pi Day. To mathematicians, a day to celebrate. For my middle schooler, who just happens to love math, it was Pi Day and bring a pie day. His math teacher saw fit for the class to celebrate the occasion by eating pie. Not a bad deal….
Spring is Coming
March 4, 2016 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43: 18-19 I‘ve held onto a thoughtful note…
Book Reviews
Books. I like to read ’em, but don’t as often as I’d like to! How’s that from a former English teacher? Occasionally, I’ll write a review and let you know what I think about the ones I actually get to read. Hope they help you find something of interest! Hoodwinked by Karen Ehman…
New Here? Start Here.
If we could sit down and have a conversation, I’d love to learn more about your life. I’d love to hear about your hopes and your dreams. But I’d also like to know what’s going on in your every days. Those times that may seem routine and mundane. I’ve discovered that it’s often in…
It’s Time to Eat!
One of my favorite times of the day comes in the moments after I call out from the kitchen, “Let’s Eat!” We all gather around the table and share a meal. And on plenty of days, lots of laughs and conversation too. Join us around the table with some of these simple, family-friendly, pallet-pleasing recipes. Breakfast …
Oven-Roasted Pork Roast
February 17, 2016 By the time dinner rolls around, no one is looking to become the superstar. I mean, you’ve worked, you’ve washed thirteen loads of laundry, you’ve helped solve homework math problems involving trains and speeds and other pressing life matters. Preparing dinner isn’t about receiving culinary accolades. It’s about surviving. Feeding the…
Fervent Book Review (and Book Giveaway!)
February 4, 2016 “Because this is war. The fight of your life. A very real enemy has been strategizing and scheming against you, assaulting you, coming after your emotions, your mind, your man, your child, your future. In fact, he’s doing it right this second. Right where you’re sitting. Right where you are.”…
Don’t Hold Your Breath
February 2, 2016 When your kids have to wear uniforms to school and it’s 9 PM on Sunday and you’ve spent your weekend sleeping in and eating out and forgetting school’s in session, you tiptoe into the laundry room with fingers crossed checking for clean uniforms. When the clock all…